Pentagon Possessed: A Neocon Horror Story




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Communist Vampires

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In this X-Files parody set against recent history, two FBI agents discover that dark supernatural forces were behind the Patriot Act, and America's entry into the Iraq War.

Pentagon Possessed is a screenplay, written in the summer of 2006. In 2007, it was a quarterfinalist in four screenplay contests: the Fade-In Magazine Screenplay Contest; Writers on the Storm; the AAA Screenplay Contest; and The Writer's Network contest.

A reader for the Slamdance Screenplay Competition wrote in the coverage report:

"The writer's awesome research into the details of the disinformation generated by the Neocon cabal within the government, in order to justify the invasion of Iraq, suggests strongly this should be a television docudrama, as the genesis of the Vietnam War was treated in John Frankenheimer's HBO presentation, The Path To War (2003). The scenes in the script based on this research are quite good, with a strong accent of mockery of the participants that is quite entertaining. For entertainment value, such a docudrama would beat Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 all to hell."

Much (though not all) of my research I owe to the excellent two-volume: Neo-Conned! Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq, and Neo-Conned! Again: Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq. If Pentagon Possessed whets your appetite for more information about the Iraq War, you might start with those books.

Pentagon Possessed is a satirical horror story that reminds us that governments will use fear of a foreign enemy to suppress civil liberties at home. That war is the health of the state. And that questioning authority is patriotic.

Pentagon Possessed is available as a trade paperback and a Kindle ebook.

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