Cost of
Freedom (Howling Dog Press, 2007) is a unique book that documents the contemporary
American peace movement. The book has been praised by Howard Zinn, Noam
Chomsky, Thom Hartmann, Harry Belafonte, Ralph Nader, and Ramsey Clark.
Challenging a belligerent, ask-no-questions concept of patriotism, in 2005 novelist
Mike Palecek began gathering stories from peace activists across the U.S., asking
their perspective on the “cost of freedom.” Along with Whitney Trettien,
an MIT graduate student and Green Party activist, and Michael Annis, an
independent publisher, they collected letters, articles, sentencing statements,
songs, poems, collages and photos from activists around the country.
Cost of
Freedom documents the everyday revolutionary acts of over 75 courageous
men and women -- common citizens with an uncommon resolve for peace, truth,
and liberty -- from a grandmother's stay at Camp Casey to a young man's
counter-inauguration protest (and run-in with the FBI).
Thomas M. Sipos is proud to be a contributing author to this book. In 2008, he moderated a panel discussion at Santa Monica's Track 16 art gallery to promote Cost of Freedom.